Happy Colombus Day!

I guess there's controversy over Colombus Day. Me? I always just took it as a nice day off. Last time I was in Philly, walking around and killing time, I saw a statue of Colombus, something never seen on the west coast. Also, my ex made certain I saw his house when we were in Genoa, her home town.

Today I'm in a writing quandry, though I doubt that's the right word. I'm wondering about what my characters need to do for a living, and I'm stuck. I know, I know, it will come in time. The thing is, I pride myself on my originality, also a bit on my edginess. I'm fascinated by people who have jobs outside the mainstream of plumbers, machinists, office workers. Everyone I know in life has one of those jobs, so they don't interest me much as a source of fiction.

I forget the writer's name, the one who championed the common man. I dislike most every story that features a writer. That's just lame. If aliens ever study our culture from our films and writings, they will be convinced fully half the population is doctors, lawyers, architects and writers.

Actually, I like this part of the process, nearly as much as the writing itself. I'm coming to terms with who the characters are, but unsure how many I will end up with. This, also, isn't new. Last year I think it took fully half a page before a woman introduced herself to me and becoming an object of desire for my main character. It seems my characters rarely, if ever, fall in love with who I set up for them.

This year I may steal a character from an earlier work, but that feels really dirty. I can come up with a new girl, somebody worthy of Dina. So far I've discarded, maybe, having her be independently wealthy, working in a lab, and being a car salesman. Something will come, I just trust my gut on that one.


cybele said...

You know what I always thought would be a good character job?

Lab technician at a water treatment plant. Every day they just go in and test the water for stuff.

russ said...

Hmmm. Not bad. Along those lines I've wondered about metallurgists. What do they do except try adding a little aluminum or strontium to something to see how this new alloy works?

theangler said...

I think readers are largely narcissistic. Plumbers read about plumbers. Metallurgists read about metallurgists. Aliens read about doctors, lawyers, architects, and lawyers.