This Entry

Last night we had our first LA NaNoWriMo "meet and greet" where I was met and did some greeting. More people showed up than I expected, more than in years past, and all of them were eager and excited. I enjoyed seeing a few familiar faces and hope to see more. It was unclear if anyone enjoyed seeing me, either again or for the first time.

While talking about my upcoming noveling intentions I mentioned I'd like to have a character who was famous. Not a celebrity, and not someone who's done anything to deserve it, something akin to a Baby Jessica who got her fifteen minutes for falling down a well. I'm intrigued by this, how some events and people somehow click into everyone's consciousness while tons of other similar events get no mention at all.

Anyway, I think it would be cool to have a char who was famous for something years ago, someone people might remember but maybe not why or for what. I'm stumped, though, about why or how this person would be famous. An incredibly good suggestion was given about someone born with no elbows and that has me thinking, but that would be a constant source of amazement.

I spent most of last night thinking of life without elbows. Could you even get dressed?

I'm beginning to experience a strange mix of dread and excitement. I'm anxious to get started writing again, but I'm in the worst position I've ever been in as far as preparation goes. I'm far behind where I think I should be as far as ideas go. I'm wondering, seriously, about my past works, and am wondering if they're as unfocused as I think. I can now describe them in twenty-five words, but I'm not sure at all if what I describe is actually on the page.

I wonder if I lack the sharpness needed to write a good novel. Do they really have a theme, a single idea, any of the things that a good novel should have? I can write a yarn, whatever that is, and maybe that's all I should strive for.


theangler said...

I dunno. I try not to think too much when I'm sitting down to write a rough draft. Big difference between that an a real novel. It takes years to write a good novel. Just achieve satori with your writing apparatus. Oh, and the no elbows thing. You could have the character write some kind of Nietzschean treatus called "The Advantages and Disadvantages of No Elbows for Sex Life."

russ said...

Hmmm. I think you're right. I get worked up about this every year and should know better. The fun is in seeing what emerges, and that's what I should be thinking about. Today (Mon) I'm relaxed and confident. I have some chars, an idea or two, and I'll see where it leads me.
The thing I keep forgetting is that the act of writing is my best tool for being creative. Not sitting around thinking, but while I'm typing this shit comes up.