A Writing We Will Go

Oooh! Oooh! I better stop rambling on about my problems and start writing about writing. Too bad, too, because I was hoping to say something funny, like if there was a National Moping Hall of Fame I'd like to go there and see how I stack up against the acknowledged professionals.

Anyway. Writing. Um, yeah.

I have the title for this year's NaNo Entry, Big Train Show. No, I don't know what it's about. No, I don't know when I will.

I had a an idea about having a guy find something tossed aside on the shoulder of the freeway and having that lead him to a girl and so far that's the best I can come up with. I was thinking that would be it, that it would be another of my love stories, but I'm having grave misgivings.

I think that can be a good way to start a story, to have them meet, but will need more than that to make a story that interests me enough to write it.

Oh, and last night I came up with a new personal fear. I'm not sure if the woman who was kind enough to give me a ride speaks quietly or if I'm going seriously deaf. I could hear her talking, but not always make out what she was saying. I don't know if she's quiet or I'm deaf, and that's the truth.