Lazy Day

It's okay.

Today I proved that theory of Newton's, that one about objects at rest. Got very little done and didn't feel like doing much. Usually in the morning I make or have a set of plans or goals for that day, things I can't wait to start. Today? None of it.

Read some about the importance of character and began filling out a character sheet for Tod. I've never been much of one for those character sheets, which always remind me of D&D, but as I started to write down some history and things for my character the first thing that happened is he got a new name. Then, as I was thinking about it, the story started changing.

Now I think I may have come up with a new character, the trophy shop's owner. He might not be the one who's story it is, or maybe just not the one who meets Dina. I may have another char, someone younger who works in the trophy place, and that's good. I need some more people, just not sure yet how many or what they'll all do.

Installed samba on my box, but didn't configure it yet. Still missing the FreeBSD ports CD, which has some programs I'd like to install on the laptop. If I get industrious tomorrow, maybe I'll find it. I'm also thinking of moving more books to my room and paring down the shelves in the great room. Who knows what I'll end up doing tomorrow! Maybe just thinking and remembering...

Spent a little time on the forum but didn't feel like saying much. My mood is as gray as the sky's been, and I think I'm calming down. Lots to do, no doubt of that, but maybe tomorrow...