Spinning My Wheels

Today's big accomplishment was going out to get a job and finding it's been filled. This has happened before, so my thick skin suffered no bruising. My legs are tired, though, since it was an uphill bike ride (against the wind, too) and I'm no closer to being able to ride carefree than I was a week ago.

Just being efficient doesn't make riding a bike easy. How did I manage before? I remember NONE of this!

Another thing I don't recall is politics being this ... mean. No one can say anything good about the others. There was a brief moment in the VP debate when Edwards said something about Cheney's daughter, who responded in a very sincere and warm way, then back to the fight. I'm sure I've heard this same "flip flop" nonsense dealt out in election after election by the Republicans, and the Democrats are now going back to 1992 and punctuating everything with the then-successful "out of touch" line.

My God. If it resonates with the voters, we'll use it. I hate the marketing of the Presidency with a passion.

Have considered and rejected more jobs for Dina. Not enough ooomph with a hand model. Do they even still have those people who lug big ice chests filled with an assortment of sandwiches around big buildings any more? Damn. The terrorists have won if that practice has been halted.