My Mistake

I got all excited last night, but it was for nought. I thought, for a moment, one of my neighbors was rushing the season and already had their Christmas Lights up. I considered noting the date in my calendar since this would be the earliest evidence of Christmas in my personal record book. It's not even Halloween yet!

Alas, it was a Halloween display. Now that someone's begun the noxious habit of stringing orange lights all over their eaves, I can only expect more to do the same. The worst part of it, of course, is that sooner or later *I* may get roped into this, too.

When I was around twenty a friend and I were already discouraged by all the Christmas decorations. At that time, and I think it even made the paper, everyone on the street had a seven foot candle on their front yard with their family name placed in front. I have no idea how the Jewish people felt about this, but my guess is they meekly complied since many of the names were similar to ones of my Jewish friends. Oddly, one of my better friends, Chris Goldstein, surprised me by being Catholic. I discovered that late in our relationship.

But I digress. Anyway, another friend and I were lamenting the Christmas decorations. What we wanted to do, and the idea that struck us as the funniest, was to begin decorating our lawns with Thanksgiving items. We started off deciding to cover the lawn in a red and white checked tablecloth and got all the way up to a steaming gravy boat before dropping the plan.

Nope. No news about the novel.


theangler said...

On St Patrick's Day I decorate my yard with drunk Irishmen.

russ said...


I may take a more subtle approach and plant potatoes!