Learning to Dance

It's been a day. I've had to be a little fast on my feet.

Now I'm worried about carnivals. There used to be a couple that came through town, mostly to set up at schools as a fund-raising thing. Really crappy rides, but when I was young I never noticed or cared. I may have Dina work at one of them. One interesting point to that is she'd have a time clock, and that may help add some urgency to something. If she's only in town for a week, well, whatever happens would be rushed, or at least couldn't take forever to be resolved.

The circus used to come to LA by train and park right near a place I worked. They all lived on the train, and maybe I could somehow use that. Not sure if they have rides at the circus, but that's why they call it fiction.

NaNo, as a group thing, has lost a lot of pleasure today. I expect it to come back. I get knocked down easily, even do it to myself when no one else's handy, but I also bounce back up.