Very Scary

It's going to happen.

In about six hours I'll begin writing another novel, my fourth. As if that wasn't scary enough, a witch just came to my front door and demanded candy! I was so petrified I obliged.

Spent (wasted?) a good deal of the day getting my novel's website up and running. I dunno. Not too happy with it, but it will preserve for all posterity my efforts at writing Big Train Show. I have all the elements needed for a good story (char, theme, plot) but only time will tell if I have a story. I've gotten encouraging feedback, so perhaps it will delight all the blimp fans.

I'm a little less excited than I thought I would be, but a lot more hopeful. I took a nap this afternoon so I can be ready to begin typing at midnight, and I'll see how that works out. I expect a page, maybe two, before I go to sleep.

So many people on the NaNo board have said great things about their efforts, I'm sure there will be lots of fun stories to relate and many winners. I'm glad for them all, and wish everyone the very best of kamikaze noveling!


theangler said...

Hey, I love that snazzy word counter on the new Big Train Show page.

russ said...

I got it from here:

Instead of the code and taking his bandwidth, I just save the pic and use it!

I thought it was cool, too!