Football Weather

Ahhh, the change of seasons, LA style. It was foggy this morning, the mist stinging my face as I took an early morning short bike ride. The purpose of the ride was mundane (to see if I could climb a nearby hill) and the mist surprised me.

Also, I don't know. A sobering day when the roosters I've created and unleashed have come home to roost. I'll get accustomed to it. I have to.

On the novel front I think what may be the new thing this year is having a bad buy. Maybe not an out and out villain, but someone sneaky and out to get something. He isn't going to be my hero, but he may play a large part.

I'm feeling drained. I'm not sleepy, but I'm tired and want to go to sleep. I need to do some serious thinking, the kind that I'm forced to every once in awhile when reality shatters my dream world. No big deal, nothing that will drive me crazy, but another sad reminder of my place in the world.

You'd think by now I'd know better, that I'd be functional and able. I'd think so too, and we'd both be sadly mistaken!